Diet Overlap

Haliaeetus pelagicus (Steller's Sea-Eagle)
Fratercula cirrhata (Tufted Puffin)

Common Diet

Gadus chalcogrammus (Whiting)

Common Habitat

Aleutian Islands Biosphere Reserve
Kronotskiy Biosphere Reserve
North America

Attributes / relations provided by
1Diet of the Steller’s Sea Eagle in the Northern Sea of Okhotsk, Irina UTEKHINA, Eugene POTAPOV & Michael J. MCGRADY, First Symposium on Steller’s and White-tailed Sea Eagles in East Asia pp. 71-82, 2000
2HABITAT USE, DIET AND BREEDING BIOLOGY OF TUFTED PUFFINS IN PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND, ALASKA, John F. Piatt, Daniel D. Roby, Laird Henkel and Kriss Neuman, Northwestern Naturalist 78:102-109 (1997)