Diet Overlap

Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Smokie)
Fratercula arctica (Atlantic Puffin)

Common Diet

Gonatus fabricii (boreoatlantic armhook squid)
Mallotus villosus (Capelin)

Common Habitat

North Bull Island
Pembrokeshire Marine/ Sir Benfro Forol

Attributes / relations provided by
1CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) Database
2Winter Diet of Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the Northeast Atlantic, Knud Falk, Jens-Kjeld Jensen and Kaj Kampp, Colonial Waterbirds, Vol. 15, No. 2 (1992), pp. 230-235
3The diet of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) in the Barents Sea during the period 1984–1991, Weimin Jiang and Terje Jørgensen, ICES J. mar. Sci., 53: 11–21. 1996