Diet Overlap

Raja rhina (Longnose skate)
Brachyramphus marmoratus (Marbled Murrelet)

Common Diet

Doryteuthis opalescens (california market squid)
Thysanoessa inermis

Common Habitat

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

Attributes / relations provided by
1Food habits of the longnose skate, Raja rhina (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880), in central California waters, Heather J. Robinson, Gregor M. Cailliet, David A. Ebert, Environ Biol Fish (2007) 80:165–179
2Marbled Murrelet Food Habits and Prey Ecology, Esther E. Burkett, USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-152. 1995., Chap 22, p. 223-246
3Diet and trophic ecology of skates in the Gulf of Alaska (Raja and Bathyraja spp.): ecological information for ecosystem–based management of demersal resources, David A. Ebert, Joseph J. Bizzarro, Simon C. Brown, Mariah D. Boyle, and Gregor M. Cailliet, NPRB Project 621 Final Report (2008)