Diet Overlap

Aythya americana (Redhead)
Boonea seminuda (half-smooth odostome)

Common Diet

Japonactaeon punctostriatus (apitted baby-bubble)
Phrontis vibex (bruised nassa)
Pyrgocythara plicosa (plicate mangelia)

Common Habitat

North America

Attributes / relations provided by
1FOOD HABITS OF REDHEADS (AYTHYA AMERICANA) WINTERING IN SEAGRASS BEDS OF COASTAL LOUISIANA AND TEXAS, USA, MICHOT, T. C., WOODIN, M. C. and NAULT, A. J., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (Suppl. 1), pp. 239–250, 2008
2Cirtwill, Alyssa R.; Eklöf, Anna (2018), Data from: Feeding environment and other traits shape species' roles in marine food webs, Dataset,