Diet Overlap

Ardea cinerea (Grey Heron)
Gallotia galloti (Gallot's Lizard)

Common Diet

Mus musculus (house mouse)

Common Habitat

Canary Islands dry woodlands and forests
Mediterranean Basin

Attributes / relations provided by
1Seasonal diet of the Grey Heron Ardea cinerea on an oceanic island (Tenerife, Canary Islands): indirect interaction with wild seed plants, Airam RODRÍGUEZ, Beneharo RODRÍGUEZ, Beatriz RUMEU & Manuel NOGALES, ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA Vol. 42 (2007) No. 1
2Temporal and Spatial Variation in the Diet of the Endemic Lizard Gallotia galloti in an Insular Mediterranean Scrubland, Airam Rodríguez, Manuel Nogales, Beatriz Rumeu, and Beneharo Rodríguez, Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 213–222, 2008