Diet Overlap

Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
Morus bassanus (Northern Gannet)

Common Diet

Clupea harengus (Yawling)
Sprattus sprattus (Whitebait)

Common Habitat

Humber Estuary

Attributes / relations provided by
1Hansson, S., Karlsson, L., Ikonen, E., Christensen, O., Mitans, A., Uzars, D., Petersson, E. and Ragnarsson, B. (2001), "Stomach analyses of Baltic salmon from 1959–1962 and 1994–1997: possible relations between diet and yolk-sac-fry mortality (M74)". Journal of Fish Biology, 58: 1730–1745
2Annual variation in diets, feeding locations and foraging behaviour of gannets in the North Sea: flexibility, consistency and constraint, K. C. Hamer, E. M. Humphreys, S. Garthe, J. Hennicke, G. Peters, D. Grémillet, R. A. Phillips, M. P. Harris, S. Wanless, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 338: 295–305, 2007