Diet Overlap

Pterodroma phaeopygia (Galapagos Petrel)
Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale)

Common Diet

Histioteuthis heteropsis
Pholidoteuthis massyae

Common Habitat

Archipelago de Colon
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Hawaiian Islands Biosphere Reserve

Attributes / relations provided by
1FEEDING ECOLOGY OF THE DARK-RUMPED PETREL IN THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, M. J. Imber, J. B. Cruz, J. S. Grove, R. J. Lavenberg, C. C. Swift, F. Cruz, The Condor 94:437-447 (1992)
2CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) Database