Diet Overlap

Pseudorhombus jenynsii (smalltoothed flounder)
Platycephalus endrachtensis (Bar-tailed flathead)

Common Diet

Afurcagobius suppositus (South-western goby)
Atherinosoma elongata (Swan river hardyhead)
Engraulis australis (Australian anchovy)
Favonigobius lateralis (Longfinned goby)
Hyperlophus vittatus (Whitebait)
Leptatherina presbyteroides (Tamar hardyhead)
Leptatherina wallacei (Western hardyhead)
Metapenaeus dalli (western school shrimp)
Palaemon australis
Pseudogobius olorum (Blue-spot goby)

Common Habitat

Shoalwater and Corio Bays Area Ramsar Site

Attributes / relations provided by
1Fish diets and food webs in the Swan–Canning estuary, River Science July 2009, Department of Water, Government of Western Australia