Diet Overlap

Eleotris vittata (Sleeper goby)
Sphyraena afra (Guinean barracuda)

Common Diet

Coptodon guineensis (Guinean tilapia)
Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bonga shad)
Sarotherodon melanotheron (blackchin tilapia)

Common Habitat

Africa-Inland Waters
Equatorial Guinea

Attributes / relations provided by
1Comparative analysis of trophic structure and interactions of two tropical lagoons, M.C. Villanueva, P. Lalèyè, J.-J. Albaret, R. Laë, L. Tito de Morais and J. Moreau, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 197, Issues 3-4 , 25 August 2006, P. 461-477