Diet Overlap

Raja montagui (Homelyn ray)
Delphinus delphis (Short-beaked Saddleback Dolphin)

Common Diet

Crangon crangon (common shrimp)
Micromesistius poutassou (Poutassou)
Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard)

Common Habitat

Luce Bay and Sands
Pembrokeshire Marine/ Sir Benfro Forol

Attributes / relations provided by
1Diet comparison of four ray species (Raja clavata, Raja brachyura, Raja montagui and Leucoraja naevus) caught along the Portuguese continental shelf, Inês Farias, Ivone Figueiredo, Teresa Moura, Leonel Serrano Gordo, Ana Neves and Bárbara Serra-Pereira, Aquat. Living Resour. 19, 105–114 (2006)
2Intraspecific dietary variation in the short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis in the Bay of Biscay: importance of fat fish, Laureline Meynier, Claire Pusineri, Jérôme Spitz, M. Begoña Santos, Graham J. Pierce, Vincent Ridoux, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 354: 277–287, 2008
3Diet of common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, off the Portuguese continental coast, M.A. Silva, J. Mar. Biol. Ast. U.K. (1999), 79, 531-540