Diet Overlap

Bathyraja interrupta (Sandpaper skate)
Hemilepidotus jordani (Yellow Irish lord)

Common Diet

Chionoecetes bairdi (southern Tanner crab)

Common Habitat

East Bering Sea
Gulf of Alaska
Pacific Ocean
Pacific, Northeast
Pacific, Northwest
Sea of Japan
Sea of Okhotsk
West Bering Sea

Attributes / relations provided by
1Diet and trophic ecology of skates in the Gulf of Alaska (Raja and Bathyraja spp.): ecological information for ecosystem–based management of demersal resources, David A. Ebert, Joseph J. Bizzarro, Simon C. Brown, Mariah D. Boyle, and Gregor M. Cailliet, NPRB Project 621 Final Report (2008)
2Life history traits of sculpins in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, Todd T. TenBrink and Kerim Y. Aydin, NPRB Project 628 Final Report (2009)