Diet Overlap
Common Diet
Common Habitat
Aegean Sea Agulhas Current Albania Algeria Angola Arabian Sea Atlantic Ocean Atlantic, Eastern Central Atlantic, Northeast Atlantic, Southeast Australia (Country) Bay of Biscay Benguela Current Benin Bosnia and Herzegovina Cameroon Canary Current Celtic-Biscay Shelf China Congo Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Denmark East Central Australian Shelf East China Sea Egypt Equatorial Guinea France Gabon Galician Shelf Gambia Ghana Gibraltar Great Barrier Reef Greece Guinea Guinea Current Guinea-Bissau Hong Kong Iberian Coastal Indian Ocean Indian Ocean, Eastern Indian Ocean, Western Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kenya Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of Korea, Republic of Lebanon Liberia Libya Madagascar Malaysia Malta Mauritania Mediterranean and Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Monaco Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nigeria North Australian Shelf Norway Pacific Ocean Pacific, Northwest Pacific, Southwest Pacific, Western Central Peng-hu Island Persian Gulf Portugal Sea of Japan Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Slovenia Somali Coastal Current South Africa South China Sea Spain Sweden Syria Taiwan Tanzania Togo Tsitsikamma National Park Tunisia Turkey United Kingdom Viet Nam Western Sahara Yellow Sea
Attributes / relations provided by ♦ 1Feeding ecology of hairtail Trichiurus margarites and largehead hairtail Trichiurus lepturus in the Beibu Gulf, the South China Sea, YAN Yunrong (颜云榕), HOU Gang (侯刚), CHEN Junlan (陈骏岚), LU Huosheng (卢伙胜), JIN Xianshi (金显仕), Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Vol. 29 No. 1, P. 174-183, 2011 ♦ 2Jung Hwa Choi, Bong Jun Sung, Dong Woo Lee, Jong Bin Kim, Taeck Yun Oh and Jung Nyun Kim, Feeding Habits of Yellow Goose Fish Lophius litulon and John Dory Zeus faber in the South Sea of Korea, Fish Aquat Sci 14(4), 435-441, 2011 ♦ 3Feeding habits and ontogenetic diet shift of hairtail fish (Trichiurus lepturus) in East China Sea and Yelow Sea, ZHANG Bo, Marine Fisheries Research, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2004