Diet Overlap
Common Diet
Common Habitat
Agulhas Current Albania Algeria Arabian Sea Atlantic Ocean Atlantic, Eastern Central Atlantic, Southeast Australia (Country) Bosnia and Herzegovina Cameroon Canary Current Cape Verde China Croatia Cyprus East Central Australian Shelf Egypt Equatorial Guinea France Great Barrier Reef Greece Guinea Current Hong Kong Indian Ocean Indian Ocean, Eastern Indian Ocean, Western Israel Italy Japan Kenya Korea, Republic of Lebanon Libya Madagascar Madeira Islands Malaysia Malta Mauritania Mediterranean and Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Monaco Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Nigeria North Australian Shelf Pacific Ocean Pacific, Northwest Pacific, Southwest Pacific, Western Central Peng-hu Island Persian Gulf Serbia Slovenia Somali Coastal Current South Africa South China Sea Spain Syria Taiwan Tanzania Tunisia Turkey Viet Nam Yellow Sea
Attributes / relations provided by ♦ 1Diet of Wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the Northcentral Gulf of Mexico, JAMES S. FRANKS, ERIC R. HOFFMAYER, JAMES R. BALLARD, NIKOLA M. GARBER, and AMBER F. GARBER, Proceedings of the 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
November 5 - 9, 2007 Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, p. 353-362 ♦ 2Jung Hwa Choi, Bong Jun Sung, Dong Woo Lee, Jong Bin Kim, Taeck Yun Oh and Jung Nyun Kim, Feeding Habits of Yellow Goose Fish Lophius litulon and John Dory Zeus faber in the South Sea of Korea, Fish Aquat Sci 14(4), 435-441, 2011