Diet Overlap

Tautoga onitis (Tautog)
Anarhichas lupus (Wolffish)

Common Diet

Echinarachnius parma (common sand dollar)

Common Habitat

Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic, Northwest
Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
Scotian Shelf
United States

Attributes / relations provided by
1 Steimle FW, Pikanowski RA, McMillan DG, Zetlin CA, Wilk SJ. 2000. Demersal Fish and American Lobster Diets in the Lower Hudson - Raritan Estuary. US Dep Commer, NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE 161; 106 p.
2Feeding Habits of Fish Species Distributed on the Grand Bank, Concepción González1, Xabier Paz, Esther Román, and María Hermida, NAFO SCR Doc. 06/31, Serial No. N5251 (2006)