Diet Overlap

Dissostichus eleginoides (Patagonsky klykach)
Mirounga leonina (Southern Elephant Seal)

Common Diet

Alluroteuthis antarctica
Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill)
Filippovia knipovitchi (Smooth Hooked Squid)
Moroteuthopsis longimana (Giant Warty Squid)

Common Habitat

Antarctic Ocean
Macquarie Island Nature Reserve

Attributes / relations provided by
1CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) Database
2Who's Eating Who
3Towards the trophic structure of the Bouvet Island marine ecosystem, U. Jacob, T. Brey, I. Fetzer, S. Kaehler, K. Mintenbeck, K. Dunton, K. Beyer, U. Struck , E.A. Pakhomov and W.E. Arntz, Polar Biology, 29 (2). pp. 106-113 (2006)