Diet Overlap

Zapteryx xyster (Southern Banded Guitarfish)
Lophiodes spilurus (Threadfin goosefish)

Common Diet

Bollmannia stigmatura (Tailspot goby)
Squilla panamensis

Common Habitat

Pacific Ocean
Pacific, Eastern Central
Pacific, Southeast

Attributes / relations provided by
1Diet composition and diel feeding behaviour of the banded guitarfish Zapteryx xyster along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America, M. Espinoza, T. M. Clarke, F. Villalobos-Rojas and I. S. Wehrtmann, Journal of Fish Biology (2013) 82, 286–305
2Stomach content analyses of the threadfin anglerfish Lophiodes spilurus (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae) associated with deepwater shrimp fisheries from the central Pacific of Costa Rica, Mario Espinoza1 & Ingo S. Wehrtmann, Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 56 (4): 1959-1970, December 2008
3Feeding ecology of elasmobranch fishes in coastal waters of the Colombian Eastern Tropical Pacific, Andrés F Navia, Paola A Mejía-Falla and Alan Giraldo, BMC Ecology 2007, 7:8