Diet Overlap

Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Ballyhoo halfbeak)
Megalops atlanticus (Tarpon)

Common Diet

Atherinomorus stipes (Hardhead silversides)

Common Habitat

Cayos Cochinos Archipelago National Park
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka'an

Attributes / relations provided by
1Trophic structure and flows of energy in the Huizache–Caimanero lagoon complex on the Pacific coast of Mexico; Manuel J. Zetina-Rejón, Francisco Arreguı́n-Sánchez, Ernesto A. Chávez; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57 (2003) 803–815
2Food Habits of Reef Fishes of the West Indies, John E. Randall, Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. 5, 665–847 (1967)