Diet Overlap

Artedius harringtoni (Scalyhead sculpin)
Embiotoca jacksoni (Black perch)

Common Diet

Caprella mendax
Ericthonius brasiliensis

Common Habitat

California Current
Pacific Ocean
Pacific, Eastern Central
United States

Attributes / relations provided by
1Food Web Relationships of Northern Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca : a Synthesis of the Available Knowledge, Charles A. Simenstad, Bruce S. Miller, Carl F. Nyblade, Kathleen Thornburgh, and Lewis J. Bledsoe, EPA-600 7-29-259 September 1979
2The Foraging Ecology of Sympatric Marine Fish in the Genus Embiotoca (Embiotocidae): Importance of Foraging Behavior in Prey Size Selection, R.J. Schmitt and J.A. Coyer, Oecologia (Berl) (1982) 55:369-378