Diet Overlap

Mycteroperca microlepis (Velvet rockfish)
Rhinoptera bonasus (Skeete)

Common Diet

Americamysis bigelowi

Common Habitat

Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic, Northwest
Atlantic, Southwest
Atlantic, Western Central
Canaveral National Seashore
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Gulf of Mexico
Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf
United States

Attributes / relations provided by
1Ontogenetic Shifts in the Diet of Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis, (Goode and Bean), (Pisces: Serranidae), Michael D. Mullaney, Jr., Proceedings of the 43rd Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, pp. 432-445 (1994)
2Food of Northwest Atlantic Fishes and Two Common Species of Squid, Ray E. Bowman, Charles E. Stillwell, William L. Michaels, and Marvin D. Grosslein, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-155 (2000)