Diet Overlap

Common Diet

Nototodarus gouldi (Gould's squid)
Trachurus declivis (Scaly mackerel)

Common Habitat

Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic, Southeast
Atlantic, Southwest
Australia (Country)
East Brazil Shelf
East Central Australian Shelf
Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean, Eastern
Indian Ocean, Western
New Zealand
New Zealand Shelf
Pacific Ocean
Pacific, Southeast
Pacific, Southwest
Patagonian Shelf
South Africa
South Brazil Shelf
Southwest Australian Shelf
Tasman Sea
West Central Australian Shelf

Attributes / relations provided by
1CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) Database
2Feeding ecology of two high-order predators from south-eastern Australia: the coastal broadnose and the deepwater sharpnose sevengill sharks, J. Matías Braccini, Marine Ecology Progress Series 371:273–284 (2008)
3Feeding ecology and niche segregation in oceanic top predators off eastern Australia, Jock W. Young, Matt J. Lansdell, Robert A. Campbell, Scott P. Cooper, Francis Juanes, Michaela A. Guest, Mar Biol (2010) 157:2347–2368