Diet OverlapCommon Diet
Common Habitat
Attributes / relations provided by ♦ 1Trophic structure and flows of energy in the Huizache–Caimanero lagoon complex on the Pacific coast of Mexico; Manuel J. Zetina-Rejón, Francisco Arreguı́n-Sánchez, Ernesto A. Chávez; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57 (2003) 803–815 ♦ 2DIEL AND DEPTH VARIATIONS IN THE SEX-SPECIFIC ABUNDANCE, SIZE COMPOSITION, AND FOOD HABITS OF QUEENFISH, SERIPHUS POLITUS (SCIAENIDAE), Edward E. DeMartini, Larry G. Allen, Robert K. Fountain, and Dale Roberts, FISHERY BULLETIN: VOL. 83, NO. 2, p. 171-185 |