Diet Overlap

Kajikia audax (Stripey)
Raja rhina (Longnose skate)

Common Diet

Merluccius productus (Whiting)

Common Habitat

California Current
Pacific Ocean
Pacific, Eastern Central
Pacific, Northwest
United States

Attributes / relations provided by
1Food habits and energy values of prey of striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax, off the coast of Mexico, Leonardo A. Abitia-Cardenas, Felipe Galvan-Magaña, Jesus Rodriguez-Romero, Fishery Bulletin 95(2). 1997, p. 360-368
2Food habits of the longnose skate, Raja rhina (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880), in central California waters, Heather J. Robinson, Gregor M. Cailliet, David A. Ebert, Environ Biol Fish (2007) 80:165–179