Diet Overlap
Common Diet
Common Habitat
Agulhas Current Andaman Islands Andaman Sea Arabian Sea Australia (Country) Bangladesh Bay of Bengal Bonin Islands (Ogasawara) Brunei Chagos Islands China Christmas Island Comoros Cook Islands Coral Sea and GBR Djibouti East Timor Egypt Eritrea Fiji French Polynesia Great Barrier Reef Guam Gulf of Aden Hawaii Hong Kong India Indian Ocean Indian Ocean, Eastern Indian Ocean, Western Indonesia Indonesian Sea Insular Pacific-Hawaiian Japan Jordan Kenya Kimbe Bay Kiribati Kuroshio Current Lagonoy Gulf Leyte Gulf Lingayen Gulf Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Mauritius Micronesia, Fed. States of Milne Bay Mozambique Myanmar New Caledonia North Australian Shelf Northeast Australian Shelf Northern Mariana Islands Northwest Australian Shelf Oman Pacific Ocean Pacific, Eastern Central Pacific, Northwest Pacific, Western Central Pakistan Palau Papua New Guinea Peng-hu Island Persian Gulf Philippines Polynesian Waters Red Sea RĂ©union Ryukyu Islands Samoa San Pedro Bay Saudi Arabia Seychelles Singapore Solomon Islands Somali Coastal Current Somalia South Africa South China Sea Sri Lanka Sudan Sulu-Celebes Sea Tahiti Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Viet Nam Yellow Sea Yemen
Attributes / relations provided by ♦ 1Studies on the Food of Euthynnus affinis affinis (Cantor), Auxis thazard (Lacepede), Auxis thynnoides Bleeker and Sarda orientalis (Temminck and Schlegel), M. Kumaran, Symposium on Scombroid Fishes, 1962, Marine Biological Association of India, p. 599-606 ♦ 2Diet composition and food habits of demersal and pelagic marine fishes from Terengganu waters, east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, Z. Bachok, M.I. Mansor and R.M. Noordin, NAGA, WorldFish Center Quarterly Vol. 27 No. 3 & 4 Jul-Dec 2004, p. 41-47