Diet Overlap

Sigmops gracilis (Slender fangjaw)
Cololabis saira (Skipper)

Common Diet

Euphausia pacifica (Pacific krill)

Common Habitat

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

Attributes / relations provided by
1Feeding habits of the mesopelagic fish Gonostoma gracile in the northwestern North Pacific, KAZUHISA UCHIKAWA, ORIO YAMAMURA and YASUNORI SAKURAI, Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 57, pp. 509 to 517, 2001
2SUGISAKI, H. and KURITA, Y. (2004), "Daily rhythm and seasonal variation of feeding habit of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in relation to their migration and oceanographic conditions off Japan". Fisheries Oceanography, 13: 63–73