Diet Overlap

Scomberomorus regalis (painted mackerel)
Noctilio leporinus (greater bulldog bat)

Common Diet

Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Ballyhoo halfbeak)
Opisthonema oglinum (Atlantic thread herring)

Common Habitat


Attributes / relations provided by
1Food Habits of Reef Fishes of the West Indies, John E. Randall, Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. 5, 665–847 (1967)
2Diet of the fishing bat Noctilio leporinus (Linnaeus) (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in a mangrove area of southern Brazil, Marcelo O. Bordignon, Rev. Bras. Zool. [online]. 2006, vol.23, n.1, pp. 256-260