Diet OverlapCommon Diet
Common Habitat
Attributes / relations provided by ♦ 1The Use of Stable Isotopes and Stomach Contents to Identify Dietary Components of the Spotted Rose Snapper, Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) off the Eastern Coast of the Southern Gulf of California, Tripp-Valdez, Arturo; Arreguín-Sánchez, Francisco, Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 4 (6): 274-284, 2009 ♦ 2Feeding ecology and trophic level of the banded guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperata, inferred from stable isotopes and stomach contents analysis, María-del-Pilar Blanco-Parra, Felipe Galván-Magaña, J. Fernando Márquez-Farías, Carlos Alberto Niño-Torres, Environmental Biology of Fishes, September 2012, Volume 95, Issue 1, pp 65-77 |