Diet OverlapCommon Diet
Common Habitat
Attributes / relations provided by ♦ 1Diet composition of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) from the southern Gulf of California, Mexico, José Rosas-Alayolaa, Agustín Hernández-Herrera, Felipe Galvan-Magaña, L. Andres Abitia-Cárdenasa and Arturo F. Muhlia-Melo, Fisheries Research Volume 57, Issue 2, August 2002, Pages 185-195 ♦ 2Seasonal and Annual Variability in the Diet of California Sea Lions Zalophus californianus at San Nicolas Island, California, 1981 -86, Mark S. Lowry, Brent S. Stewart, Carolyn B. Heath, Pamela K. Yochem, John M. Francis, Fishery Bulletin. U.S. 89:331-336 (1991) |