Diet Overlap

Jenynsia multidentata (Rio de la Plata onesided livebearer)
Syngnathus folletti (Southern Pipefish)

Common Diet

Mellita mangrovi

Common Habitat


Attributes / relations provided by
1DIET AND FEEDING STRATEGY OF FISHES IN A Ruppia maritima MEADOW, IN THE PATOS LAGOON ESTUARY, BRAZIL, Marcelo Bassols Raseira, Alexandre Miranda Garcia, João Paes Vieira, Fish Communities and Fisheries, SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS, International Congress on the Biology of Fish 2004, pp. 205-214
2Diet composition and feeding strategy of the southern pipefish Syngnathus folletti in a Widgeon grass bed of the Patos Lagoon Estuary, RS, Brazil, Alexandre M. Garcia, Ricardo M. Geraldi, and João P. Vieira, Neotropical Ichthyology, 3(3):427-432, 2005