Diet Overlap

Pseudoscops clamator (Striped Owl)
Thamnodynastes strigatus (Coastal House Snake)

Common Diet

Oligoryzomys nigripes (black-footed pygmy rice rat)

Common Habitat

Atlantic Forest
Uruguayan savanna

Attributes / relations provided by
1Motta-Junior, JC, C. J R. Alho, and S. C S. Belentani. 2004. Food habits of the Striped Owl Asio clamator in southeast Brazil Pages 777–784 in Raptors worldwide: proceedings of the VI world conference on birds of prey and owls (R. Chancellor and B.-U. Meyburg, Eds.)
2Dieta de Thamnodynastes strigatus (Serpentes, Colubridae) no sul do Brasil, Raquel Ruffato, Marcos Di-Bernardo e Gleomar Fabiano Maschio, Phyllomedusa 2(1):27-34, 2003