Diet Overlap

Leptodeira annulata (Banded Cat-eyed Snake)
Lygophis dilepis (Lema's Ground Snake)

Common Diet

Leptodactylus fuscus (rufous frog)

Common Habitat

Dry Chaco
Humid Chaco

Attributes / relations provided by
1ECOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE TROPICAL COLUBRID SNAKE LEPTODEIRA ANNULATA, Laurie J. Vitt, Herpetological Natural History, 4 (1), 1996, pages 69-76
2Anurans as prey: an exploratory analysis and size relationships between predators and their prey, L. F. Toledo, R. S. Ribeiro & C. F. B. Haddad, Journal of Zoology 271 (2007) 170–177