Diet Overlap

Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave Moth)
Orthosia incerta (Clouded Drab)

Common Diet

Betula pendula (European white birch)
Betula pubescens pubescens (downy birch)
Corylus avellana (common filbert)
Quercus robur (Pedunculate Oak)
Salix caprea (goat willow)

Common Habitat

Avon Gorge Woodlands
Burnham Beeches
Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries/ Bae Caerfyrddin ac Aberoedd
Dee Estuary/ Aber Dyfrdwy
Moray Firth
Morecambe Bay
South Solway Mosses
The New Forest
Thorne Moor

Attributes / relations provided by
1Ecology of Commanster
2Biological Records Centre Database of Insects and their Food Plants
3HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants Gaden S. Robinson, Phillip R. Ackery, Ian J. Kitching, George W. Beccaloni AND Luis M. Hernández