Diet Overlap

Xestia triangulum (Square-spotted Clay)
Noctua fimbriata (Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing)

Common Diet

Corylus avellana (common filbert)
Crataegus heterophylla (Common Hawthorn)
Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn)
Salix caprea (goat willow)
Urtica dioica (California nettle)

Common Habitat

Berwyn a Mynyddoedd de Clwyd/ Berwyn and South Clwyd Mountains
Burnham Beeches
Pen Llyn a`r Sarnau/ Lleyn Peninsula and the Sarnau
Solent Maritime
South Solway Mosses
The New Forest
The Wash and North Norfolk Coast

Attributes / relations provided by
1Biological Records Centre Database of Insects and their Food Plants