Protected Areas : Anas rubripes

Page 2 of 2, showing 13 records out of 113 total

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Name Type IUCN Category Area acres Country  State  Species Website Climate Land Use
Southern Appalachian Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 37548505 United States North Carolina, Tennessee  
Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 3821173 Canada  
Tawas Point State Park State Park 183 United States Michigan
Tennessee River Gorge   United States Tennessee
Terra Nova National Park National Park IV 125894 Canada Newfoundland
Upper Miss. River Nat'l Wildlife Refuge National Wildlife Refuge VI 25823 United States Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin
Valley Forge National Historical Park National Historical Park VI 3509 United States Pennsylvania
Virginia Coast Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve 33386 United States Virginia  
Voyageurs National Park National Park II 177960 United States Minnesota
Wapusk National Park National Park II 2614324 Canada Manitoba
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge National Wildlife Refuge IV 26618 United States Alabama
Winisk River Provincial Park Provincial Park II 434735 Canada Ontario
Yellowstone Biosphere Reserve Biosphere Reserve II 2196863 United States Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
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