El Imposible National Park

Location:El Salvador
IUCN Category:II
Area:13,459 acres (5,447 hectares)
Species:All  Endangered  Invasive
Climate:View Climate Data
Land Use:View Land Use Data
Köppen climate classification:Aw (Climate: equatorial; Precipitation: winter dry)


Central American dry forests
Central American montane forests
Central American pine-oak forests


Protected Area Boundary
Share70 %15 %15 %45 %30 %25 %
Soil TypeMollic AndosolsEutric CambisolsDystric CambisolsMollic AndosolsVitric AndosolsHaplic Andosols
Topsoil TextureCoarseMediumMediumMediumMediumMedium
Reference Depth100 cm100 cm100 cm100 cm100 cm100 cm
DrainageWellModerately wellModerately wellModerately wellModerately wellModerately well
Available Water Capacity150 m150 m150 m150 m150 m150 m
Topsoil Properties
Gravel1 %1 %1 %1 %1 %1 %
Sand81 %45 %43 %38 %61 %32 %
Silt14 %31 %33 %36 %32 %43 %
Clay5 %24 %24 %26 %7 %25 %
USDA TextureLoamy sandLoamLoamLoamSandy loamLoam
Reference Bulk Density1.68 g/cm³1.38 g/cm³1.38 g/cm³1.36 g/cm³1.6 g/cm³1.35 g/cm³
Bulk Density0.82 g/cm³1.38 g/cm³1.3 g/cm³0.82 g/cm³0.97 g/cm³0.78 g/cm³
Organic Carbon1.27 %0.87 %1.27 %3.71 %3.43 %4.67 %
Clay Cation Exchange Capacity136 cmol kg⁻¹50 cmol kg⁻¹31 cmol kg⁻¹54 cmol kg⁻¹70 cmol kg⁻¹58 cmol kg⁻¹
Soil Cation Exchange Capacity12 cmol kg⁻¹15 cmol kg⁻¹12 cmol kg⁻¹27 cmol kg⁻¹17 cmol kg⁻¹31 cmol kg⁻¹
Base Saturation77 %91 %31 %80 %45 %51 %
Total Exchangeable Bases9.2 cmol kg⁻¹13.7 cmol kg⁻¹3.7 cmol kg⁻¹21.6 cmol kg⁻¹7.7 cmol kg⁻¹15.8 cmol kg⁻¹
Calcium Carbonate0.1 %0.3 %0 %0.1 %0 %0 %
Calcium Sulphate0 %0.1 %0 %0 %0 %0 %
Exchangeable Sodium1 %2 %1 %1 %1 %1 %
Electrical Conductivity0 dS m-10.1 dS m-10 dS m-10 dS m-10 dS m-10 dS m-1
Subsoil Properties
Gravel1 %1 %1 %1 %1 %1 %
Sand54 %43 %45 %37 %68 %35 %
Silt26 %30 %31 %35 %26 %40 %
Clay20 %27 %24 %28 %6 %25 %
USDA TextureSandy clay loamClay loamLoamClay loamSandy loamLoam
Reference Bulk Density1.43 g/cm³1.36 g/cm³1.38 g/cm³1.35 g/cm³1.63 g/cm³1.36 g/cm³
Bulk Density0.79 g/cm³1.39 g/cm³1.37 g/cm³0.79 g/cm³1 g/cm³0.78 g/cm³
Organic Carbon0.74 %0.34 %0.4 %1.55 %1.48 %1.83 %
Clay Cation Exchange Capacity81 cmol kg⁻¹52 cmol kg⁻¹32 cmol kg⁻¹66 cmol kg⁻¹131 cmol kg⁻¹61 cmol kg⁻¹
Soil Cation Exchange Capacity14 cmol kg⁻¹15 cmol kg⁻¹9 cmol kg⁻¹24 cmol kg⁻¹13 cmol kg⁻¹22 cmol kg⁻¹
Base Saturation81 %94 %34 %80 %75 %80 %
Total Exchangeable Bases11.3 cmol kg⁻¹14.1 cmol kg⁻¹3.1 cmol kg⁻¹19.2 cmol kg⁻¹9.8 cmol kg⁻¹17.6 cmol kg⁻¹
Calcium Carbonate0.5 %0.4 %0 %0.3 %0 %0 %
Calcium Sulphate0.1 %0.1 %0 %0.1 %0 %0 %
Exchangeable Sodium2 %2 %2 %2 %2 %2 %
Electrical Conductivity0.1 dS m-10.2 dS m-10 dS m-10.1 dS m-10 dS m-10 dS m-1
Soil data provided by FAO/IIASA/ISRIC/ISSCAS/JRC, 2012. Harmonized World Soil Database (version 1.2). FAO, Rome, Italy and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
Köppen climate classification provided by Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification updated. Meteorol. Z., 15, 259-263