Animalia > Chordata > Amphibia > Anura > Pelodryadidae > Ranoidea



Wikipedia Abstract

Ranoidea is a superfamily of frogs in the order Anura. Members of this superfamily are characterised by having the pectoral girdle fused into a single complex unit, having no ribs, and using an axillary grip during amplexus. The larvae have a single spiracle on the left side and complex mouthparts, or in some species, undergo direct development.
View Wikipedia Record: Ranoidea


Ranoidea alboguttata (striped burrowing frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea andiirrmalin (Cape Melville Treefrog) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Ranoidea aruensis
Ranoidea auae (Attributes)
Ranoidea aurea (Golden Bell Frog) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Ranoidea australis (Northern Snapping Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea barringtonensis
Ranoidea becki (Attributes)
Ranoidea bella
Ranoidea booroolongensis (Booroolong Frog) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Ranoidea brevipes (Attributes)
Ranoidea brongersmai (Brongersma's Tree Frog)
Ranoidea bulmeri (Bulmer's Tree Frog)
Ranoidea caerulea (Australian Green Treefrog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea callista
Ranoidea cavernicola (Cave-dwelling frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea chloris (Australian red-eyed tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea citropa (Blue Mountains tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea cryptotis (Hidden-ear Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea cultripes (Knife-footed Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea cyclorhynchus (Attributes)
Ranoidea dahlii (Dahl's olive treefrog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea daviesae (Davies’ tree frog) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Ranoidea dayi (Australian Lace-lid) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Ranoidea dorsivena (Eastern Mountains Tree Frog)
Ranoidea elkeae
Ranoidea eschata
Ranoidea eucnemis (Fringed Tree Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea exophthalmia (Attributes)
Ranoidea fuscula (Attributes)
Ranoidea genimaculata (Green-eyed tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea gilleni (Centralian tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea gracilenta (Dainty green tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea impura (Southern New Guinea Treefrog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea jungguy (Attributes)
Ranoidea kroombitensis (Kroombit Treefrog) (Critically Endangered)
Ranoidea kumae (Attributes)
Ranoidea lesueurii (Lesueur's tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea longipes (Long-footed Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea lorica (Armoured Frog) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Ranoidea macki
Ranoidea maculosa (Daly Waters Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea maini (Main's Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea manya (Small Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea moorei (Western green-and-golden bell frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea myola (Kuranda Tree Frog) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Ranoidea nannotis (Torrent Tree Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea napaea (Attributes)
Ranoidea novaehollandiae (New Holland Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea nudidigita (Southern Leaf Green Tree Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea nyakalensis (Mountain Mistfrog) (Extinct) (Attributes)
Ranoidea occidentalis
Ranoidea papua
Ranoidea pearsoniana (Cascade tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea phyllochroa (Leaf green tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea piperata (Peppered Tree Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea platycephala (Water-holding Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea pratti (Pratt's Treefrog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea raniformis (Green And Gold Frog) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Ranoidea rara
Ranoidea rheocola (Common Mist Frog) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Ranoidea rivicola (Attributes)
Ranoidea robinsonae (Attributes)
Ranoidea rueppelli (Rueppel's Big-eyed Treefrog) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Ranoidea serrata
Ranoidea spenceri (Spencer's River Tree Frog) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Ranoidea spinifera (Attributes)
Ranoidea splendida (Splendid tree frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea subglandulosa (Frog) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Ranoidea vagitus (Wailing Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea verrucosa (Rough Frog) (Attributes)
Ranoidea wilcoxii (Attributes)
Ranoidea xanthomera (Orange-thighed frog) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0