Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Trichoptera > Limnephilidae


Wikipedia Abstract

Limnephilidae is a family of caddisflies with about 100 genera. They belong to the main lineage of case-constructing caddisflies, the Integripalpia or tube-case caddisflies. The Limnephilidae is one of the most species-rich Trichoptera families of northern temperate regions, but only a few are known from tropical areas and the Southern Hemisphere. For this reason they are often known as northern caddisflies.
View Wikipedia Record: Limnephilidae


Acrophylax (2)
Agaphyalax (1)
Allocosmoecus (1)
Allogamus (26)
Amphicosmoecus (1)
Anabolia (19)
Anisogamodes (1)
Anisogamus (4)
Annitella (18)
Anomalocosmoecus (4)
Anomalopterygella (2)
Antarctoecia (1)
Aplatyphylax (9)
Archaeophylax (Caddisfly) (3)
Arctopora (3)
Astenophylina (1)
Astratodina (4)
Asynarchus (20)
Austrocosmoecus (1)
Badukiella (2)
Brachypsyche (3)
Chaetopterna (1)
Chaetopteroides (3)
Chaetopterygopsis (3)
Chaetopteryx (31)
Chilostigma (3)
Chilostigmodes (2)
Chionophylax (3)
Chyranda (1)
Clistoronia (5)
Clostoeca (1)
Consorophylax (9)
Crenophylax (1)
Cryptochia (Caddisfly) (7)
Cryptothrix (1)
Desmona (2)
Dicosmoecus (6)
Drusus (113)
Ecclisocosmoecus (2)
Ecclisomyia (5)
Ecclisopteryx (12)
Electrocryptochia (1)
Enoicyla (3)
Enoicylopsis (1)
Eocosmoecus (2)
Evanophanes (1)
Frenesia (2)
Glyphopsyche (3)
Glyphotaelius (3)
Grammotaulius (12)
Grensia (1)
Halesochila (1)
Halesus (10)
Hesperophylax (7)
Homophylax (10)
Hydatophylax (15)
Indusia (7)
Ironoquia (6)
Isogamus (3)
Kelgena (4)
Lenarchus (13)
Lepnevaina (1)
Leptodrusus (1)
Leptophylax (1)
Leptotaulius (1)
Limnephilus (202)
Limnophilus (1)
Litholimnephilus (1)
Melampophylax (10)
Mesophylax (10)
Metacosmoecus (1)
Metanoea (6)
Micropterna (2)
Miocenocosmoecus (1)
Miopsyche (3)
Monocentra (1)
Monocosmoecus (7)
Nemotaulius (8)
Nothopsyche (16)
Onocosmoecus (3)
Parachiona (1)
Phanocelia (1)
Philarctus (7)
Philocasca (Caddisfly) (7)
Phylostenax (2)
Pielus (1)
Platycentropus (4)
Platycosmoecus (1)
Platyphylax (1)
Potamophylax (32)
Prodicos (1)
Pseudopsilopteryx (1)
Pseudostenophylax (83)
Psilopterna (4)
Psilopteryx (6)
Psychoglypha (14)
Psychoronia (2)
Pycnopsyche (18)
Rhadicoleptus (3)
Rivulophilus (1)
Rizeiella (2)
Sphagnophylax (1)
Stenophylax (51)
Thermophylax (1)
Vareshiana (1)
Verger (22)
Vodnik (1)

(...) = Species count
(...) = Endangered count
(...) = Invasive count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0