Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Rodentia > Cricetidae > Peromyscus


Synonyms: Haplomylomys; Sitomys; Trinodontomys; Vesperimus

Wikipedia Abstract

The genus Peromyscus contains the animal species commonly referred to as deer mice. This genus of New World mice is only distantly related to the common house mouse and laboratory mouse, Mus musculus. Although superficially resembling Mus musculus, Peromyscus species have relatively larger eyes, and also often two-tone coloring, with darker colors over the dorsum (back), and white abdominal and limb hair-coloring. In reference to the coloring, the word Peromyscus comes from Greek words meaning "booted mouse".
View Wikipedia Record: Peromyscus


Peromyscus antiquus
Peromyscus anyapahensis
Peromyscus attwateri (Texas mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus aztecus (Aztec mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus bakeri
Peromyscus baumgartneri
Peromyscus beatae (Orizaba deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus berendsensis
Peromyscus boylii (brush mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus brachygnathus
Peromyscus bullatus (Perote mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus californicus (California mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus caniceps (Burt's deer mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus carletoni
Peromyscus carolpattonae
Peromyscus cochrani
Peromyscus complexus
Peromyscus cragini
Peromyscus crinitus (canyon mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus cumberlandensis
Peromyscus dentalis
Peromyscus dickeyi (Dickey's deer mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus difficilis (Zacatecan deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus eremicus (cactus mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus eva (Ganzu vole) (Attributes)
Peromyscus fraterculus (Northern Baja deermouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus furvus (blackish deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus gardneri
Peromyscus gossypinus (cotton mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus grandis (big deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus gratus (Osgood's mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus guardia (Angel Island mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus guatemalensis (Guatemalan deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus gymnotis (naked-eared deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus hagermanensis
Peromyscus hooperi (Hooper's mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus hylocetes (Transvolcanic deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus interparietalis (San Lorenzo mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus irvingtonensis
Peromyscus kansasensis
Peromyscus keeni (northwestern deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus kilpatricki
Peromyscus lepturus
Peromyscus leucopus (white-footed mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus levipes (nimble-footed mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus madrensis (Tres Marias Island mouse) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus maximus
Peromyscus mayensis (Maya mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus megalops (brown deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus mekisturus (puebla deer mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus melanocarpus (Zempoaltepec deer mouse) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus melanophrys (plateau mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus melanotis (black-eared mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus melanurus (black-tailed mouse) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus merriami (Mesquite mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus mexicanus (Mexican deer mouse)
Peromyscus minimus
Peromyscus nasutus (northern rock mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus nesodytes (giant island deer mouse)
Peromyscus nosher
Peromyscus nudipes
Peromyscus ochraventer (El Carrizo deer mouse) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus ostsibirica
Peromyscus parvus
Peromyscus pectoralis (white-ankled mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus pembertoni (Pemberton's deer mouse) (Extinct) (Attributes)
Peromyscus perfulvus (marsh mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus polionotus (oldfield mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus polius (Chihuahuan mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus progressus
Peromyscus pseudocrinitus (false canyon mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus sagax (Michoacn Deermouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus sarmocophinus
Peromyscus schmidlyi (Schmidly's Deer Mouse)
Peromyscus sejugis (Santa Cruz mouse) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus selenis
Peromyscus simulus (Nayarit mouse) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Peromyscus slevini (Slevin's mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus spec
Peromyscus spicilegus (gleaning mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus stephani (San Esteban Island mouse) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus stirtoni (Stirton's deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus truei (pinyon mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus winkelmanni (Winkelmann's mouse) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Peromyscus yucatanicus (Yucatan deer mouse) (Attributes)
Peromyscus zarhynchus (Chiapan deer mouse) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0