Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Passeriformes > Cardinalidae > Piranga


Synonyms: Pyranga; Pyrauga

Wikipedia Abstract

Piranga is a genus of birds long placed in the tanager family, but now considered members of the cardinal family, Cardinalidae. The genus name Piranga is from Tupi Tijepiranga, the name for an unknown small bird. Similar in shape and habits to the true tanagers, their coloration betrays their actual relationships. They are essentially red, orange or yellow all over, except the tail and wings and in some species also the back. Such extensive lipochrome coloration (except on the belly) is very rare in true tanagers, but is widespread among the Cardinalidae.
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Piranga bidentata (Flame-colored Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga erythrocephala (Red-headed Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga flava (Red Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga hepatica (Hepatic Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga leucoptera (White-winged Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga ludoviciana (Western Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga lutea (hepatic tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga olivacea (Scarlet Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga roseogularis (Rose-throated Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga rubra (Summer Tanager) (Attributes)
Piranga rubriceps (Red-hooded Tanager) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0