Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Chiroptera > Vespertilionidae > Hypsugo


Wikipedia Abstract

The genus Hypsugo contains many bats referred to as pipistrelles or pipistrelle bats. They belong to the family Vespertilionidae or vesper bats within the order Chiroptera.
View Wikipedia Record: Hypsugo


Hypsugo affinis (chocolate pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo alaschanicus (Alashanian Pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo anchieta
Hypsugo arabicus (Arabian pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo ariel (desert pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo cadornae (Cadorna's pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo dolichodon
Hypsugo imbricatus (brown pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo kitcheneri (red-brown pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo lanzai (Socotran Pipistrelle) (Endangered)
Hypsugo lophurus (Burma pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo macrotis (big-eared pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo mordax (pungent pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo musciculus (mouselike pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo petersi (Peters's pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo pulveratus (Chinese pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo savii (Savi's pipistrelle) (Attributes)
Hypsugo spec
Hypsugo vordermanni (Vordermann's Pipistrelle) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0