Animalia > Chordata > Squamata > Phyllodactylidae > Phyllodactylus


Wikipedia Abstract

Phyllodactylus is a genus of geckos distributed in South America and Central America, and as far north as the southern United States. They are commonly known as "leaf-toed geckos" in their native range, and otherwise as American leaf-toed geckos to distinguish them from unrelated genera with similar feet.
View Wikipedia Record: Phyllodactylus


Phyllodactylus andysabini
Phyllodactylus angustidigitus (Narrow Leaf-toed Gecko) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus apricus
Phyllodactylus barringtonensis (Barrington Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus baurii (Baur's Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus benedettii
Phyllodactylus bordai (Guerreran Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus bugastrolepis (CatalinaIsland Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus cleofasensis
Phyllodactylus clinatus (Cerro Illescas Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus coronatus
Phyllodactylus darwini (Darwin's Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus davisi (Davis' Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus delcampoi (Del Campo's Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus delsolari (Endangered) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus dixoni (Dixon's Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus duellmani (Duellman's Pigmy Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus duncanensis
Phyllodactylus galapagensis (Galapagos Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus (South American Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus gilberti (Gilbert's Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus gorii
Phyllodactylus hispaniolae (Endangered)
Phyllodactylus homolepidurus (Sonoran Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus inaequalis (Peru Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus insularis (Belize Leaf-toed Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus interandinus (Andes Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus isabelae
Phyllodactylus johnwrighti (Rio Huancabamba Leaf-toed Gecko) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus julieni (Aruba Leaf-toed Gecko)
Phyllodactylus kofordi (Coastal Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus kropotkini
Phyllodactylus lanei (Lane's Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus leei (Chatham Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus leoni (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus lepidopygus (Western Leaf-toed Gecko) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus lupitae
Phyllodactylus magister
Phyllodactylus magnus
Phyllodactylus maresi
Phyllodactylus martini (Dutch Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus microphyllus (Central Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus muralis (Oaxacan Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus nocticolus (Peninsula Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus nolascoensis
Phyllodactylus pachamama (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus palmeus (Honduras Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus papenfussi (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus paralepis (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus partidus (ParditaNorte Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus paucituberculatus (Rio Marquez Valley Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus pulcher (Barbados Leaf-toed Gecko) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus pumilius
Phyllodactylus pumilus (Ecuador Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus reissii (Peters' Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus rupinus
Phyllodactylus rutteni (Venezuela Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus santacruzensis
Phyllodactylus saxatilis
Phyllodactylus sentosus (Lima Leaf-toed Gecko) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus simpsoni
Phyllodactylus sommeri (Critically Endangered)
Phyllodactylus spec
Phyllodactylus thompsoni (Endangered) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus transversalis (Colombian Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus tuberculosus (Yellowbelly Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus unctus (San Lucan Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus ventralis (Margarita Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus wirshingi (Puerto Rican Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)
Phyllodactylus xanti (Leaf-toed Gecko) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0