Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Columbiformes > Columbidae

Columbidae (Pigeons, Doves)

Synonyms: Raphidae

Wikipedia Abstract

Pigeons and doves constitute the bird family Columbidae, which includes about 310 species. Pigeons and doves are stout-bodied birds with short necks, and short slender bills (and in some species, these bills feature fleshy ceres). They primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and plants. This family occurs worldwide, but the greatest variety is in the Indomalaya and Australasia ecozones. The adjective "columbine" refers to pigeons and doves.
View Wikipedia Record: Columbidae


Alectroenas (Pigeon) (5)
Bountyphaps (1)
Caloenas (Nicobar pigeons) (3)
Carpophaga (1)
Chalcophaps (Dove/pigeon) (3)
Chloroenas (1)
Claravis (Ground dove) (3)
Columba (pigeons) (60)
Columbina (ground-doves) (12)
Cryptophaps (Salvadori's pigeon) (1)
Didunculus (Tooth-billed pigeon) (2)
Drepanoptila (Cloven-feathered dove) (1)
Ducula (Imperial pigeons) (45)
Dysmoropelia (1)
Ectopistes (passenger pigeons) (1)
Eimeria (14)
Gallicolumba (island ground-doves) (10)
Geopelia (zebra doves) (5)
Geophaps (3)
Geotrygon (quail-doves) (11)
Gerandia (1)
Goura (Crowned pigeon) (4)
Gymnophaps (Mountain pigeon) (4)
Hemiphaga (New Zealand pigeon) (2)
Henicophaps (Ground pigeon) (2)
Leptotila (white-tipped doves) (11)
Leptotrygon (1)
Leucosarcia (Wonga pigeon) (2)
Lithophaps (1)
Lopholaimus (Topknot pigeon) (1)
Macropygia (cuckoo-doves) (17)
Megaloprepia (1)
Metriopelia (Ground dove) (4)
Microena (1)
Microgoura (Crested choiseul pigeon) (1)
Natunaornis (1)
Nesoenas (4)
Ocyphaps (Crested pigeon) (1)
Oena (Namaqua dove) (1)
Otidiphaps (Pheasant pigeon) (4)
Pampusana (13)
Patagioenas (Pigeon) (17)
Petrophassa (Rock pigeon) (2)
Pezophaps (1)
Phapitreron (Brown fruit dove) (4)
Phaps (Bronzewing pigeon) (3)
Primophaps (1)
Ptilinopus (fruit-doves) (61)
Ptilonopus (2)
Ramphiculus (2)
Raphus (1)
Reinwardtoena (Cuckoo-dove) (3)
Rupephaps (1)
Spilopelia (2)
Starnoenas (Blue-headed quail dove) (1)
Streptopelia (turtle-doves) (14)
Tongoenas (1)
Treron (Pigeon) (30)
Trugon (Thick-billed ground dove) (1)
Turacoena (Pigeon) (3)
Turtur (Wood dove) (5)
Uropelia (Long-tailed ground dove) (1)
Zenaida (zenaida doves) (7)
Zentrygon (8)

(...) = Species count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0