Polpochila is a genus of beetles in the family Carabidae, containing the following species: \n* Polpochila aguilari Mateu, 2000 \n* Polpochila angularis Negre, 1967 \n* Polpochila barbata Negre, 1963 \n* Polpochila capitata (Chaudoir, 1852) \n* Polpochila chilensis (Chaudoir, 1837) \n* Polpochila darlingtoni Negre, 1963 \n* Polpochila erro (Leconte, 1854) \n* Polpochila flavipes (Dejean, 1831) \n* Polpochila hendrichsi Negre, 1967 \n* Polpochila impressifrons (Dejean, 1831) \n* Polpochila marginalis Negre, 1963 \n* Polpochila minuta Negre, 1963 \n* Polpochila monrosi Negre, 1963 \n* Polpochila nigra (Gory, 1833) \n* Polpochila pueli Negre, 1963 \n* Polpochila reticulata Negre, 1963 \n* Polpochila rotundicollis Bates, 1882 \n* Polpochila scaritides (Perty, 1830) \n* Polpoc