Animalia > Porifera > Demospongiae > Tethyida > Tethyidae > Tethya



Wikipedia Abstract

Tethya is a genus of demosponge belonging to the family Tethyidae. Members of this genus all have a spherical body form and some are known to be able to move at speeds of between 1 and 4 mm per day.
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Tethya actinia
Tethya acuta
Tethya amplexa
Tethya andamanensis
Tethya annona
Tethya asbestella
Tethya aurantium (golf ball sponge)
Tethya beatrizae
Tethya bergquistae
Tethya bitylastra
Tethya boeroi
Tethya brasiliana
Tethya bullae
Tethya burtoni
Tethya californiana (Orange puffball sponge)
Tethya citrina (sea lemon)
Tethya coccinea
Tethya communis
Tethya comorensis
Tethya compacta
Tethya cyanae
Tethya deformis
Tethya dendyi
Tethya densa
Tethya diploderma
Tethya ensis
Tethya expansa
Tethya fastigata
Tethya fissurata
Tethya flexuosa
Tethya gigantea
Tethya globostellata
Tethya globum
Tethya gracilis
Tethya gunni
Tethya hibernica
Tethya hooperi
Tethya ignis
Tethya ingalli
Tethya irisae
Tethya irregularis
Tethya japonica
Tethya laevis
Tethya levii
Tethya magna
Tethya maza
Tethya melinka
Tethya meloni
Tethya mexicana
Tethya microstella
Tethya minuta
Tethya monstrosa
Tethya mortoni
Tethya multifida
Tethya multistella
Tethya nicolae
Tethya norvegica
Tethya novaecaledoniae
Tethya nux
Tethya omanensis
Tethya ornata
Tethya orphei
Tethya ovum
Tethya papillosa
Tethya paroxeata
Tethya parvistella
Tethya parvula
Tethya pellis
Tethya peracuta
Tethya popae
Tethya pulchra
Tethya pulitzeri
Tethya robusta (golfball sponge)
Tethya rubra
Tethya samaaii
Tethya sarai
Tethya seychellensis
Tethya simi
Tethya socius
Tethya solangeae
Tethya sollasi
Tethya songakensis
Tethya sorbetus
Tethya stellagrandis
Tethya stellodermis
Tethya stolonifera
Tethya strongylata
Tethya taboga
Tethya tasmaniae
Tethya tenuisclera
Tethya topsenti
Tethya uljinensis
Tethya vacua
Tethya varians
Tethya viridis
Tethya wilhelma

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0