Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Diptera > Tipulidae > Nephrotoma



Wikipedia Abstract

Nephrotoma is a genus of crane flies. For terms see Morphology of Diptera. Nephrotoma species have a lustrous body, which is yellow with black or brown stripes and spots.If the body is black there are coloured bands on the abdomen. The prescutum has three stripes. The proboscis (rostrum) is short and the antennae are verticillate. Sc2 fuses with radial vein R slightly distal to the base of the radial sector vein Rs an this is not longer than mcu. m1 is sessile, only rarely short and petiolate. mcu is located before the base of the discal cell (d). Tergite 9 of male has microscopic black streaks at the apex.
View Wikipedia Record: Nephrotoma


Nephrotoma abbreviata
Nephrotoma aberdarensis
Nephrotoma aculeata
Nephrotoma affinis
Nephrotoma albonigra
Nephrotoma alexandriana
Nephrotoma alleni
Nephrotoma alluaudi
Nephrotoma alterna
Nephrotoma alticrista
Nephrotoma altigalea
Nephrotoma altissima
Nephrotoma ambricola
Nephrotoma ampla
Nephrotoma analis
Nephrotoma andohahelana
Nephrotoma angusticrista
Nephrotoma angustifrons
Nephrotoma angustistria
Nephrotoma antennata
Nephrotoma antithrix
Nephrotoma appendiculata (spotted crane fly)
Nephrotoma astigma
Nephrotoma atamoor
Nephrotoma atrohirsuta
Nephrotoma atrolatera
Nephrotoma atrostyla
Nephrotoma augustana
Nephrotoma aurantiaca
Nephrotoma aurantiocincta
Nephrotoma aurocoma
Nephrotoma aurocomata
Nephrotoma australasiae
Nephrotoma austriaca
Nephrotoma baliana
Nephrotoma baluba
Nephrotoma bara
Nephrotoma barbigera
Nephrotoma basiflava
Nephrotoma basutoensis
Nephrotoma beckeri
Nephrotoma beibengensis
Nephrotoma bellula
Nephrotoma biappendiculata
Nephrotoma biarmigera
Nephrotoma bicristata
Nephrotoma biformis
Nephrotoma bifusca
Nephrotoma boliviana
Nephrotoma bombayensis
Nephrotoma bourbonica
Nephrotoma boyesi
Nephrotoma brevicornis
Nephrotoma breviorcornis
Nephrotoma brevipennis
Nephrotoma brevisternata
Nephrotoma buruensis
Nephrotoma byersi
Nephrotoma byersina
Nephrotoma cacuminis
Nephrotoma calinota
Nephrotoma capensis
Nephrotoma carinata
Nephrotoma catenata
Nephrotoma caudifera
Nephrotoma celator
Nephrotoma chaetopyga
Nephrotoma chalybea
Nephrotoma chapini
Nephrotoma chosensis
Nephrotoma cinereifrons
Nephrotoma cingulata
Nephrotoma circumcincta
Nephrotoma circumscripta
Nephrotoma cirrata
Nephrotoma cirtrina
Nephrotoma citreiceps
Nephrotoma citricolor
Nephrotoma citrina
Nephrotoma clanceyi
Nephrotoma claviformis
Nephrotoma colorata
Nephrotoma comoroensis
Nephrotoma concava
Nephrotoma concolorithorax
Nephrotoma condylophora
Nephrotoma consimilis
Nephrotoma consularis
Nephrotoma contrasta
Nephrotoma cornicina
Nephrotoma cornifera
Nephrotoma costofumosa
Nephrotoma cretensis
Nephrotoma cristiformis
Nephrotoma crocata
Nephrotoma crocato
Nephrotoma crocea
Nephrotoma croceiventris
Nephrotoma cuneata
Nephrotoma curtiterebra
Nephrotoma cuthbertsoni
Nephrotoma dafla
Nephrotoma daisensis
Nephrotoma dampfi
Nephrotoma dawahi
Nephrotoma definita
Nephrotoma delegorguei
Nephrotoma delta
Nephrotoma dewittei
Nephrotoma didyma
Nephrotoma difficilis
Nephrotoma dimidiata
Nephrotoma distans
Nephrotoma dodabettae
Nephrotoma dominicana
Nephrotoma dorsalis
Nephrotoma dorsata
Nephrotoma drakanae
Nephrotoma durangensis
Nephrotoma dutti
Nephrotoma eburata
Nephrotoma ectypa
Nephrotoma edwardsaria
Nephrotoma edwardsi
Nephrotoma eepi
Nephrotoma effrena
Nephrotoma electripennis
Nephrotoma elegans
Nephrotoma elegantula
Nephrotoma elgonica
Nephrotoma eminens
Nephrotoma erebus
Nephrotoma ericarum
Nephrotoma eroeata
Nephrotoma esakii
Nephrotoma eucera
Nephrotoma euceroides
Nephrotoma euchroma
Nephrotoma eugeniae
Nephrotoma euryglossa
Nephrotoma euthynota
Nephrotoma evittata
Nephrotoma exastigma
Nephrotoma excelsior
Nephrotoma extensicornis
Nephrotoma familiaris
Nephrotoma fasciata
Nephrotoma ferruginea
Nephrotoma festiva
Nephrotoma flammeola
Nephrotoma flavescens
Nephrotoma flavipalpis
Nephrotoma flavofimbria
Nephrotoma flavonigra
Nephrotoma flavonota
Nephrotoma flavoposticata
Nephrotoma flavoscutellata
Nephrotoma fletcheriana
Nephrotoma floresensis
Nephrotoma fontana
Nephrotoma forcipata
Nephrotoma formosensis
Nephrotoma freemani
Nephrotoma fulani
Nephrotoma fulvomedia
Nephrotoma fumidapicalis
Nephrotoma fumiscutellata
Nephrotoma fuscapex
Nephrotoma fuscescens
Nephrotoma fuscipennis
Nephrotoma fuscoflava
Nephrotoma gaganboi
Nephrotoma gamma
Nephrotoma geminata
Nephrotoma geniculata
Nephrotoma glabricristata
Nephrotoma globata
Nephrotoma globosa
Nephrotoma glossophora
Nephrotoma gnata
Nephrotoma gorongozae
Nephrotoma gracilicornis
Nephrotoma graueri
Nephrotoma guadalcanarana
Nephrotoma guangxiensis
Nephrotoma guestfalica
Nephrotoma guttipleura
Nephrotoma hainanica
Nephrotoma hamulifera
Nephrotoma hanae
Nephrotoma handschiniana
Nephrotoma helvetica
Nephrotoma hemichroa
Nephrotoma hirsuticauda
Nephrotoma huangshanensis
Nephrotoma hubeiensis
Nephrotoma hunanensis
Nephrotoma hypocrites
Nephrotoma hypogyna
Nephrotoma iavana
Nephrotoma idiocera
Nephrotoma imerina
Nephrotoma immaculata
Nephrotoma impigra
Nephrotoma inconsequens
Nephrotoma incristata
Nephrotoma inorata
Nephrotoma integra
Nephrotoma iridipennis
Nephrotoma irrevocata
Nephrotoma javana
Nephrotoma javensis
Nephrotoma jingxuensis
Nephrotoma jinxiuensis
Nephrotoma joneensis
Nephrotoma kanasensis
Nephrotoma kaulbacki
Nephrotoma kaviengensis
Nephrotoma kelimotoensis
Nephrotoma kempfi
Nephrotoma kigeziana
Nephrotoma kodaikanalensis
Nephrotoma koreana
Nephrotoma korpa
Nephrotoma kraussiana
Nephrotoma kunagi
Nephrotoma laconica
Nephrotoma laffooni
Nephrotoma lamellata
Nephrotoma lateropolita
Nephrotoma laticrista
Nephrotoma latispina
Nephrotoma latissima
Nephrotoma leeuweni
Nephrotoma lempkei
Nephrotoma leonia
Nephrotoma lerothodi
Nephrotoma leto
Nephrotoma leucostigma
Nephrotoma liankangensis
Nephrotoma libra
Nephrotoma ligulata
Nephrotoma lindneriana
Nephrotoma livingstonei
Nephrotoma longisternata
Nephrotoma lordhowensis
Nephrotoma luaboensis
Nephrotoma lucida
Nephrotoma lugens
Nephrotoma lundbecki
Nephrotoma lunulicornis
Nephrotoma luteata
Nephrotoma luteopleura
Nephrotoma mabelana
Nephrotoma machadoi
Nephrotoma macrocera
Nephrotoma madagascariensis
Nephrotoma makiella
Nephrotoma malaitana
Nephrotoma malickyi
Nephrotoma mambila
Nephrotoma margaritae
Nephrotoma marshalli
Nephrotoma martynovi
Nephrotoma mawdsleyi
Nephrotoma medioflava
Nephrotoma medioligula
Nephrotoma medioproducta
Nephrotoma medioscalaris
Nephrotoma medipubera
Nephrotoma medleri
Nephrotoma megacantha
Nephrotoma megascapha
Nephrotoma melanaspis
Nephrotoma melanoxantha
Nephrotoma melanura
Nephrotoma meraca
Nephrotoma meridionalis
Nephrotoma metallescens
Nephrotoma mexicana
Nephrotoma microcera
Nephrotoma milloti
Nephrotoma minuscula
Nephrotoma minuticornis
Nephrotoma mobukuensis
Nephrotoma monopsellia
Nephrotoma moravica
Nephrotoma moshesh
Nephrotoma mossambica
Nephrotoma muktesarensis
Nephrotoma nasuta
Nephrotoma navajo
Nephrotoma neopratensis
Nephrotoma nigeriensis
Nephrotoma nigricauda
Nephrotoma nigrichroma
Nephrotoma nigrirostris
Nephrotoma nigritana
Nephrotoma nigrithorax
Nephrotoma nigroannulata
Nephrotoma nigrocentralis
Nephrotoma nigrocostalis
Nephrotoma nigrohalterata
Nephrotoma nigrolutea
Nephrotoma nigropilosa
Nephrotoma nigrostylata
Nephrotoma nigrotergata
Nephrotoma nox
Nephrotoma nycteris
Nephrotoma occipitalis
Nephrotoma ocellata
Nephrotoma ochripennis
Nephrotoma okefenoke
Nephrotoma oligochaeta
Nephrotoma omeiana
Nephrotoma oosterbroeki
Nephrotoma opacistriata
Nephrotoma opima
Nephrotoma ordinaria
Nephrotoma ortiva
Nephrotoma ozenumensis
Nephrotoma pallida
Nephrotoma pallidapex
Nephrotoma palloris
Nephrotoma pamirensis
Nephrotoma pangerangensis
Nephrotoma parascutellata
Nephrotoma parva
Nephrotoma parvinotata
Nephrotoma parvirostra
Nephrotoma paulianana
Nephrotoma pedunculata
Nephrotoma penumbra
Nephrotoma peralticrista
Nephrotoma perhorrida
Nephrotoma perincisa
Nephrotoma perlepida
Nephrotoma perobliqua
Nephrotoma petiolata
Nephrotoma pilata
Nephrotoma pilicauda
Nephrotoma pjotri
Nephrotoma platysphela
Nephrotoma platysterna
Nephrotoma pleurinotata
Nephrotoma pleuromaculata
Nephrotoma polymera
Nephrotoma praecipua
Nephrotoma pratensis
Nephrotoma profunda
Nephrotoma progne
Nephrotoma pronotalis
Nephrotoma pseudoliankangensis
Nephrotoma pulchella
Nephrotoma pullata
Nephrotoma puncticornis
Nephrotoma punctifrons
Nephrotoma punctum
Nephrotoma qinghaiensis
Nephrotoma quadrifaria
Nephrotoma quadrilata
Nephrotoma quadrinacrea
Nephrotoma quadristriata
Nephrotoma quadrivittata
Nephrotoma quincunx
Nephrotoma rajah
Nephrotoma ramulifera
Nephrotoma rectispina
Nephrotoma relicta
Nephrotoma repanda
Nephrotoma retenta
Nephrotoma reunionensis
Nephrotoma richardiana
Nephrotoma ridleyi
Nephrotoma rogersi
Nephrotoma rossica
Nephrotoma ruanda
Nephrotoma rubriventris
Nephrotoma ruiliensis
Nephrotoma ruwenzoriana
Nephrotoma saccai
Nephrotoma sachalina
Nephrotoma saghaliensis
Nephrotoma sakalava
Nephrotoma sangoana
Nephrotoma scalarifer
Nephrotoma scalaris
Nephrotoma schaeuffelei
Nephrotoma scurra
Nephrotoma scurroides
Nephrotoma semicincta
Nephrotoma semiflava
Nephrotoma seniana
Nephrotoma serricornis
Nephrotoma setirostra
Nephrotoma shanxiensis
Nephrotoma siamensis
Nephrotoma sichuanensis
Nephrotoma sinensis
Nephrotoma smithersiana
Nephrotoma sodalis
Nephrotoma solomonis
Nephrotoma sparsicoma
Nephrotoma spatha
Nephrotoma speculata
Nephrotoma spicula
Nephrotoma stackelbergi
Nephrotoma staryi
Nephrotoma sternomarginata
Nephrotoma strenua
Nephrotoma stygia
Nephrotoma stylacantha
Nephrotoma subalterna
Nephrotoma subanalis
Nephrotoma subdentata
Nephrotoma subeuryglossa
Nephrotoma subinanis
Nephrotoma sublunulicornis
Nephrotoma submaculosa
Nephrotoma subopaca
Nephrotoma subpallida
Nephrotoma subumbonis
Nephrotoma sullingtonensis
Nephrotoma sundaica
Nephrotoma suturalis
Nephrotoma takeuchii
Nephrotoma tealei
Nephrotoma tenggerensis
Nephrotoma tenuipes
Nephrotoma tenuis
Nephrotoma theowaldi
Nephrotoma thysia
Nephrotoma tianlinensis
Nephrotoma tigrina
Nephrotoma tigrinoides
Nephrotoma tincta
Nephrotoma toda
Nephrotoma toxopei
Nephrotoma tricincta
Nephrotoma trilobulata
Nephrotoma triobtusa
Nephrotoma tripartita
Nephrotoma triplasia
Nephrotoma triquetra
Nephrotoma tumidiverticalis
Nephrotoma tumidverticalis
Nephrotoma tzitzikamae
Nephrotoma umbonis
Nephrotoma umbripennis
Nephrotoma unicingulata
Nephrotoma unicornis
Nephrotoma unisciata
Nephrotoma unisicata
Nephrotoma urocera
Nephrotoma usta
Nephrotoma vana
Nephrotoma variventris
Nephrotoma venusticeps
Nephrotoma vesta
Nephrotoma vicaria
Nephrotoma villosa
Nephrotoma vinsoniana
Nephrotoma violovitshi
Nephrotoma virescens
Nephrotoma virgata
Nephrotoma vittula
Nephrotoma walkeri
Nephrotoma whiteheadi
Nephrotoma xanthoplaca
Nephrotoma xanthoplacodes
Nephrotoma xichangensis
Nephrotoma xinjiangensis
Nephrotoma xizangensis
Nephrotoma zhejiangensis
Tipula paicheleri

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0