Fungi > Ascomycota > Sordariomycetes


Wikipedia Abstract

Sordariomycetes is a class of fungi in the subdivision Pezizomycotina (Ascomycota), consisting of 28 orders, 90 families, 1344 genera,. Sordariomycetes generally produce their asci in perithecial fruiting bodies. Sordariomycetes are also known as Pyrenomycetes, from the Greek πυρἠν - 'the stone of a fruit' - because of the usually somewhat tough texture of their tissue.
View Wikipedia Record: Sordariomycetes




Abyssomyces (1)
Acerbiella (4)
Acrospermoides (2)
Ameromassaria (1)
Amphisphaerellula (2)
Amylis (1)
Anthostomaria (1)
Anthostomellina (2)
Aquamarina (1)
Aquapteridospora (4)
Aquimonospora (1)
Arecacicola (1)
Argentinomyces (1)
Ascorhiza (1)
Ascoyunnania (1)
Assoa (1)
Aulospora (1)
Azbukinia (1)
Bactrodesmiastrum (5)
Bactrosphaeria (1)
Bombardiastrum (1)
Brenesiella (1)
Byssotheciella (2)
Caleutypa (1)
Calosphaeriopsis (1)
Caudatispora (2)
Ceratolenta (1)
Chaetoamphisphaeria (1)
Ciliofusospora (1)
Clypeoceriospora (1)
Clypeosphaerulina (1)
Cryptoascus (2)
Cryptomycina (3)
Cryptophyllachora (2)
Cryptothamnium (2)
Cucurbitopsis (1)
Dasysphaeria (1)
Delpinoella (1)
Diacrochordon (1)
Digicatenosporium (1)
Dryosphaera (2)
Ellisembia (59)
Erythromada (1)
Esfandiariomyces (1)
Flammispora (2)
Frondisphaeria (2)
Gibberellulina (1)
Hanliniomyces (1)
Haplotrichella (1)
Heliastrum (1)
Hyaloderma (1)
Hypotrachynicola (1)
Immersisphaeria (1)
Iraniella (1)
Juncigena (2)
Konenia (2)
Kravtzevia (1)
Kurssanovia (1)
Lasiella (1)
Lecythium (1)
Leptosacca (1)
Lyonella (1)
Meringosphaeria (1)
Merugia (1)
Microcyclephaeria (1)
Mirannulata (2)
Monostachys (1)
Naumovela (2)
Neocryptospora (1)
Neolamya (3)
Neoskofitzia (1)
Neothyridaria (1)
Nigromammilla (1)
Ophiomassaria (1)
Paoayensis (2)
Paracapsulospora (1)
Paradiplococcium (1)
Paramicrodochium (1)
Pararhexoacrodictys (4)
Phyllocelis (2)
Piminella (1)
Plagiascoma (1)
Platytrachelon (1)
Pleosphaeria (23)
Pogonospora (1)
Porodiscus (1)
Porosphaerellopsis (1)
Proliferophorum (1)
Protocucurbitaria (1)
Psalidosperma (1)
Pseudopatella (1)
Pseudosporidesmium (2)
Pseudostanjehughesia (2)
Pumilus (1)
Rehmiomycella (1)
Rhamphosphaeria (1)
Rhizophila (1)
Rhopographella (2)
Rhynchosphaeria (6)
Rimaconus (3)
Romellina (1)
Saccardoella (15)
Sarcopyrenia (10)
Sarcopyreniomyces (1)
Scharifia (1)
Scotiosphaeria (1)
Selenosporella (13)
Spermodermia (1)
Sphaeromycetella (1)
Sporoctomorpha (1)
Stearophora (1)
Stegophorella (1)
Stellosetifera (1)
Stenocladiella (1)
Stomatogenella (1)
Stromatographium (2)
Sungaiicola (1)
Swampomyces (2)
Tamsiniella (1)
Thelidiella (1)
Thyridella (3)
Trichoconium (1)
Trichospermella (2)
Trichosphaeropsis (1)
Ypsilonia (3)

(...) = Species count
(...) = Endangered count
(...) = Invasive count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0