Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Thysanoptera > Thripidae > Thrips

Thrips (Thrip)


Wikipedia Abstract

Thrips (order Thysanoptera) are minute, slender insects with fringed wings (thus the scientific name, from the Greek θύσανος thysanos ("fringe") + πτερόν pteron ("wing")). Other common names for thrips include thunderflies, thunderbugs, storm flies, thunderblights, storm bugs, corn flies, corn lice and physopods. Thrips species feed on a large variety of plants and animals by puncturing them and sucking up the contents. A large number of thrips species are considered pests, because they feed on plants with commercial value. Some species of thrips feed on other insects or mites and are considered beneficial, while some feed on fungal spores or pollen. Approximately 6,000 species have been described. Thrips are generally tiny (1 mm long or less) and are not good flyers, although they can be
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Thrips abyssiniae
Thrips acaciae
Thrips addendus
Thrips alatus
Thrips alavii
Thrips albogilvus
Thrips albopilosus
Thrips aleuritis
Thrips alius
Thrips alliorum
Thrips alni
Thrips alysii
Thrips andrewsi
Thrips angusticeps
Thrips annulata
Thrips annulicornis
Thrips antiaropsidis
Thrips antiquus
Thrips apicatus
Thrips arizonensis
Thrips arorai
Thrips asparagi
Thrips aspera
Thrips aspinus
Thrips assimilis
Thrips atactus
Thrips atratus
Thrips aurantithoracis
Thrips aureolariae
Thrips aureus
Thrips aurulentus
Thrips austellus
Thrips australis (Eucalyptus thrip)
Thrips beharensis
Thrips benseleri
Thrips beta
Thrips bianchii
Thrips biunculatus
Thrips bourbonensis
Thrips brevialatus
Thrips brevicornis
Thrips brevipilosus
Thrips brevisetosus
Thrips brevistylus
Thrips brunneus
Thrips buxi
Thrips cacuminis
Thrips calcaratus
Thrips candidus
Thrips cardui
Thrips carthami
Thrips cedri
Thrips cereolus
Thrips cerno
Thrips chandni
Thrips cinchonae
Thrips coloratus
Thrips compressicornis
Thrips conferticornis
Thrips conicus
Thrips conocephali
Thrips coprosmae
Thrips corydali
Thrips corymbiferarum
Thrips crassicornis
Thrips crawfordi
Thrips cynorrhodi
Thrips darwini
Thrips decens
Thrips dentatus
Thrips dezeeuwi
Thrips diana
Thrips difficiclis
Thrips difficilis
Thrips dilatatus
Thrips discolor
Thrips disjunctus
Thrips distinctus
Thrips dorax
Thrips dubius
Thrips englerinae
Thrips euphorbiae
Thrips euphorbiicola
Thrips evulgo
Thrips excaeletus
Thrips extensicornis
Thrips facetus
Thrips fascicornis
Thrips fedorovi
Thrips femoralis
Thrips flavidulus
Thrips flavus
Thrips floreus
Thrips floricola
Thrips florum
Thrips formicoides
Thrips formosanus
Thrips fraudulentus
Thrips frosti
Thrips fulmeki
Thrips fulvipes
Thrips fumosoides
Thrips fumosus
Thrips funebris
Thrips fuscicornis
Thrips fuscipennis
Thrips gardeniae
Thrips garuda
Thrips gentluteae
Thrips georgicus
Thrips golili
Thrips gossypii
Thrips gowdeyi
Thrips gracilis
Thrips gramineae
Thrips griseus
Thrips grossulariae
Thrips hanifahi
Thrips hawaiiensis (Banana flower thrip)
Thrips helianthi
Thrips helvolus
Thrips helvolvus
Thrips heraclei
Thrips herricki
Thrips himalayanus
Thrips hispidus
Thrips hoddlei
Thrips hoodi
Thrips idahoensis
Thrips imaginis
Thrips impar
Thrips incognitus
Thrips inferus
Thrips insignis
Thrips intricatus
Thrips iranicus
Thrips italicus
Thrips javanicus
Thrips juniperinus
Thrips juniperus
Thrips junipherinus
Thrips kali
Thrips klapaleki
Thrips knoxi
Thrips kodaikanalensis
Thrips konoi
Thrips korbuensis
Thrips kotoshoi
Thrips kurahashii
Thrips laevicollis
Thrips latiareus
Thrips latis
Thrips laurencei
Thrips leeuweni
Thrips leptocerus
Thrips levatus
Thrips linariae
Thrips linarius
Thrips lini
Thrips lividus
Thrips lomatus
Thrips longalatus
Thrips longicaudatus
Thrips longiceps
Thrips maculicollis
Thrips madroni
Thrips magnus
Thrips major
Thrips malloti
Thrips mancosetosus
Thrips mareoticus
Thrips martini
Thrips medialis
Thrips mediterraneus
Thrips melastomae
Thrips menyanthidis
Thrips merae
Thrips meridionalis
Thrips meruensis
Thrips microchaetus
Thrips minutissimus
Thrips mirus
Thrips modicus
Thrips monotropae
Thrips montanatus
Thrips montanus
Thrips morindae
Thrips moundi
Thrips mucidus
Thrips nelsoni
Thrips nigropilosus
Thrips nonakai
Thrips novocaledonensis
Thrips obscuratus (New Zealand flower thrips)
Thrips obscuripes
Thrips obsoleta
Thrips ochracea
Thrips oenotherae
Thrips ogasawarensis
Thrips oneillae
Thrips orarius
Thrips orientalis
Thrips origani
Thrips oryzophagus
Thrips pallicornis
Thrips pallidicollis
Thrips pallidulus
Thrips pallisetis
Thrips palmerae
Thrips palmi (melon thrips)
Thrips paludosus
Thrips palustris
Thrips panousei
Thrips paradoxa
Thrips paramadroni
Thrips parvispinus
Thrips pauciporus
Thrips pavettae
Thrips pectinatus
Thrips pectiniprivus
Thrips pelikani
Thrips pennatus
Thrips persicae
Thrips phormiicola
Thrips physapus
Thrips pillichi
Thrips pini
Thrips pistaciae
Thrips porteri
Thrips poultoni
Thrips praetermissus
Thrips pretiosus
Thrips priesneri
Thrips pruni
Thrips pseudoflavus
Thrips pusillus
Thrips quadridentatus
Thrips quilicii
Thrips quinciensis
Thrips ranunculi
Thrips rapaensis
Thrips razanii
Thrips reticulatus
Thrips reunionensis
Thrips rhabdotus
Thrips rhamani
Thrips rhamni
Thrips robustus
Thrips roepkei (Thrip)
Thrips rostratus
Thrips rufescens
Thrips rugicollis
Thrips safrus
Thrips sambuci
Thrips samoaensis
Thrips schliephakei
Thrips scotti
Thrips sensarmai
Thrips seticollis
Thrips setipennis
Thrips setosus
Thrips shiranensis
Thrips shiranesanus
Thrips sierrensis
Thrips sieversiae
Thrips silybum
Thrips simplex (Gladiolus thrip)
Thrips simulator
Thrips sinaiticus
Thrips solari
Thrips spec
Thrips speratus
Thrips spinosus
Thrips stannardi
Thrips subnudula
Thrips sukki
Thrips sumatrensis
Thrips sylvanus
Thrips syringae
Thrips tabaci (Onion thrip)
Thrips tanicus
Thrips taraxaci
Thrips tarfayensis
Thrips taurus
Thrips tectus
Thrips temperans
Thrips tenebricosus
Thrips tenellus
Thrips thalictri
Thrips timidus
Thrips tomeus
Thrips trehernei
Thrips tripartitus
Thrips tristis
Thrips trybomi
Thrips typicus
Thrips unisetifer
Thrips unispinus
Thrips unonae
Thrips urticae
Thrips vackari
Thrips validus
Thrips variegatus
Thrips varipes
Thrips verbasci
Thrips viminalis
Thrips vitticornis
Thrips vuilleti
Thrips vulgatissimus
Thrips wedeliae
Thrips wellsae
Thrips winnemanae
Thrips xenos

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0