Telephanus is a genus of beetles in the family Silvanidae, containing the following species: \n* Telephanus acrolophus Thomas \n* Telephanus aculeatus Nevermann \n* Telephanus acuminatus Grouvelle \n* Telephanus agilis Grouvelle \n* Telephanus alluaudi Grouvelle \n* Telephanus americanus Olivier \n* Telephanus apicalis Grouvelle \n* Telephanus applanatus Nevermann \n* Telephanus argentatus Reitter \n* Telephanus armatus Grouvelle \n* Telephanus assmanni Nevermann \n* Telephanus barberi Nevermann \n* Telephanus basiliscus Nevermann \n* Telephanus bipunctatus Schauffuss \n* Telephanus blairi Nevermann \n* Telephanus brontoides Sharp \n* Telephanus bruchi Grouvelle \n* Telephanus bucephalus Nevermann \n* Telephanus buphthalmus Nevermann \n* Telephanus cedius Schauffuss \n* Telephanus centrali