Animalia > Chordata > Beryciformes > Holocentridae > Sargocentron

Sargocentron (Squirrelfish)


Wikipedia Abstract

Sargocentron is a genus of squirrelfish found in tropical parts of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, with the greatest species diversity near reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Being largely or entirely nocturnal, they have relatively large eyes. Red and silvery colours dominate. The preopercle spines (near the gill-opening) are venomous, and can give painful wounds. Most have a maximum length of 15-25 cm (6-10 in), but S. iota barely reaches 8 cm (3 in), and S. spiniferum can reach approximately 50 cm (20 in).
View Wikipedia Record: Sargocentron


Faremusca lacteoguttata
Sargocentron borodinoensis
Sargocentron bullisi (Deepwater Squirrelfish)
Sargocentron caudimaculatum (spottailed soldierfish)
Sargocentron cornutum (red and white soldierfish)
Sargocentron coruscum (Conga tony)
Sargocentron diadema (crowned soldierfish)
Sargocentron dorsomaculatum (Cryptic squirrelfish)
Sargocentron ensifer (Yellow-striped squirrelfish)
Sargocentron hastatum (Red squirrelfish)
Sargocentron hormion
Sargocentron inaequalis (Lattice squirrelfish)
Sargocentron iota (Dwarf squirrelfish)
Sargocentron ittodai (Japanese soldierfish)
Sargocentron lepros (Spiny squirrelfish)
Sargocentron macrosquamis (Bigscale squirrelfish)
Sargocentron marisrubri (Squirrelfish)
Sargocentron megalops
Sargocentron melanospilos (Blackspot squirrelfish)
Sargocentron microstoma (Smallmouth squirrelfish)
Sargocentron poco (Saddle Squirrelfish )
Sargocentron praslin (Red soldier-fish)
Sargocentron punctatissimum (Whitespotted sqirrelfish)
Sargocentron puntatissimum
Sargocentron rubrum (Soldier fish)
Sargocentron seychellense (Seychelles squirrelfish)
Sargocentron shimizui
Sargocentron spiniferum (Squirrelfish)
Sargocentron spinosissimum (North Pacific squirrelfish)
Sargocentron suborbitale (Tinsel squirrelfish)
Sargocentron tiere (Tahitian squirrelfish)
Sargocentron tiereoides (Pink-spotted squirrelfish)
Sargocentron vexillarium (Welchman)
Sargocentron violaceum (White-edged squirrelfish)
Sargocentron wilhelmi
Sargocentron xantherythrum (striped squirrelfish)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0