Animalia > Arthropoda > Malacostraca > Isopoda > Idoteidae

Idoteidae (Isopod) with Relationships

Synonyms: Idotheidae

Wikipedia Abstract

The Idoteidae are a family of isopod crustaceans. It includes these genera: \n* Austridotea Poore, 2001 \n* Batedotea Poore & Lew Ton, 1993 \n* Cleantiella Richardson, 1912 \n* Colidotea Richardson, 1899 \n* Crabyzos Bate, 1863 \n* Edotia Guérin-Méneville, 1843 \n* Engidotea Barnard, 1914 \n* Erichsonella Benedict in Richardson, 1901 \n* Euidotea Collinge, 1917 \n* Eusymmerus Richardson, 1899 \n* Glyptidotea Stebbing, 1902 \n* Idotea Fabricius, 1798 \n* Lyidotea Hale, 1929 \n* Moplisa Moreira, 1974 \n* Parasymmerus Brusca & Wallerstein, 1979 \n* Paridotea Stebbing, 1900 \n* Pentias Richardson, 1904 \n* Pentidotea Richardson, 1905 \n* Platidotea Park & Wägele, 1995 \n* Stenosoma Leach, 1814 \n* Synidotea Harger, 1878 \n* Synischia Hale, 1924
View Wikipedia Record: Idoteidae


Austridotea (1)
Cleantiella (1)
Edotia (2)
Erichsonella (1)
Euidotea (1)
Glyptidotea (1)
Idotea (Isopod) (9)
Paridotea (1)
Pentidotea (4)
Stenosoma (1)
Synidotea (Isopod) (2)
Synischia (1)

(...) = Species count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0