Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Soricomorpha > Talpidae

Talpidae (desmans, moles, and relatives)

Wikipedia Abstract

The family Talpidae includes the moles, shrew moles, desmans, and other intermediate forms of small insectivorous mammals of the order Soricomorpha. Talpids are all digging animals to various degrees: moles are completely subterranean animals; shrew moles and shrew-like moles somewhat less so; and desmans, while basically aquatic, excavate dry sleeping chambers; whilst the quite unique star-nosed mole is equally adept in the water and underground. Talpids are found across the Northern Hemisphere and southern Asia, Europe, and North America, although none are found in Ireland nor anywhere in the Americas south of northern Mexico.
View Wikipedia Record: Talpidae


Achlyoscapter (1)
Anomodon (1)
Archaeodesmana (11)
Asthenoscapter (1)
Condylura (star-nosed mole) (1)
Desmana (desman) (9)
Desmanella (13)
Desmanodon (7)
Domninoides (7)
Dymecodon (True's shrew mole) (1)
Eotalpa (2)
Euroscaptor (Asiatic moles) (12)
Galemys (Pyrenean desmans) (4)
Geotrypus (7)
Lemoynea (1)
Leptoscaptor (2)
Mogera (Asiatic moles) (8)
Mongolopala (1)
Mygalea (3)
Mygalinia (1)
Mygatalpa (1)
Mystipterus (3)
Myxomygale (5)
Neurotrichus (American shrew-moles) (4)
Nuragha (1)
Oreotalpa (1)
Parascalops (hairy-tailed moles) (3)
Parascaptor (white-tailed mole) (1)
Paratalpa (3)
Proscapanus (6)
Pseudoparatalpa (2)
Quadrodens (1)
Quyania (2)
Scalopoides (3)
Scalopus (eastern moles) (2)
Scapanoscapter (1)
Scapanulus (Gansu moles) (3)
Scapanus (western moles) (8)
Scaptochirus (short-faced mole) (1)
Scaptonyx (long-tailed mole) (2)
Talpa (Eurasian moles) (25)
Tenuibrachiatum (1)
Uropsilus (Chinese shrew-moles) (6)
Urotrichus (Japanese shrew-moles) (3)
Yanshuella (1)
Yunoscaptor (1)

(...) = Species count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0